Foods that Increase Energy and Beat Summer Fatigue

During the long, hot days of summer, are you the one searching for a cool place to sit down while everyone else is engaged in physical activities? Many people feel extra fatigued during the summer months and certain foods can beat that fatig...

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During the long, hot days of summer, are you the one searching for a cool place to sit down while everyone else is engaged in physical activities? Many people feel extra fatigued during the summer months and certain foods can beat that fatigue and increase energy so you can participate in summertime activities instead of just watching from the sidelines.

Increase Energy With Sprouts

Eating just one-half cup daily of alfalfa sprouts, broccoli sprouts, bean sprouts or any other type of vegetable sprout can significantly increase energy level within three weeks. Ounce for ounce, sprouts contain more enzymes than fully mature plants, and the enzymes help your body rapidly convert food and stored fat into energy.

Stay Hydrated With This Food

Dehydration is always a threat during the hot summer, and being just a little dehydrated will make you feel tired, sluggish and out-of-sorts. Dehydration slows the flow of energizing oxygen and nutrients to body cells, triggering mind and body fatigue within minutes. Stay hydrated and beat fatigue by snacking on watermelon throughout the day. A serving of watermelon also contains as much fatigue-fighting iron as a serving of spinach, that's why a cold slice of watermelon is so refreshing on a hot summer day.

Sugar-Free Yogurt Increase Energy

Indulging in cool, summertime treats like ice cream, popsicles and milk shakes can cause an overgrowth of yeast in the digestive tract. The multitude of yeast produce waste products that put a damper on alertness and energy. Zap the yeast, regain your alertness and energy and still indulge in ice cream by eating a small container of sugar-free yogurt made with live bacterial cultures every day.

Beat Energy Draining Insomnia by Listening to the Birds

People who sleep soundly most of the year may find themselves struggling with energy draining insomnia during the hot summer nights. Late sunsets, early sunrises and hot, humid nights interfere with the body's natural sleeping rhythm. Re-set the natural sleep/wake rhythm by listening to the birds sing for 15 minutes each morning.

Exercise in an Air Conditioned Room

While this tip is not a '˜food', exercising in an air conditioned room three times per week will increase energy and fight depression. Summer's heat slows down the body's production of sertonin, the body's '˜feel good' hormone. Finding relief from heat in an air conditioned room plus exercising forces the body to correct the serotonin deficiency, which increases energy and lifts the mood. A brisk walk in a mall or swim in a cool water pool three times a week beats summer fatigue.

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