A Beginner's Guide to Growing a Vegetable Garden

Homegrown fruits and vegetables that have been personally tended to cannot be beat for taste! There is a great deal of satisfaction from growing food that you have spent months watering, and watching grow. But where should you begin if you h...

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Homegrown fruits and vegetables that have been personally tended to cannot be beat for taste! There is a great deal of satisfaction from growing food that you have spent months watering, and watching grow. But where should you begin if you have never grown a vegetable garden before?

Start Off Small

Growing your very own vegetable garden will take time, energy and a great deal of patience and perseverance. Your efforts will pay off when you finally see the end result and get to taste what you have personally grown.

However, if you do not have years of experience as a gardener, you can easily be discouraged when your garden does not yield the huge bounty you were hoping for. That is why it is best to start off small. Do not try to take on too much by planting butternut squash, cucumbers, sweet corn and several other crops all in one go. Start off with just one or two vegetables that are easy to grow and take the time to concentrate on helping those to thrive.


Follow Packet Instructions

Following packet instructions will help you to yield the best results. For example, should you plant carrots outside straightaway? When is the best time of year to sow garlic, onions, potatoes or lettuce? Some seeds germinate better inside a greenhouse, a conservatory facing the sun or on the windowsill before being planted outside. Others are better off grown in a pot, such as mint, to help prevent it from taking over.

Feed Those Veggies!

Vegetables will not grow properly without food, water, sun and other factors. Research the best type of food for your vegetables and make sure they are well nourished. Remember that growing a successful crop of vegetables takes time and effort. It will not happen overnight. But with the right plant food and conditions, your vegetables will soon grow.

Growing your own vegetables can imbue you with the confidence to try new things next time or to learn from mistakes you have made. Conduct your research carefully, start off small and be sure to follow package instructions closely. Vegetables need proper nourishment, so be sure to keep them well watered and fed and you will soon be enjoying the taste of delicious, homegrown vegetables.